Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Royal Debate

Finally, the royal debate is over and i have no regret for postponding my flight of going back. In this two weeks of training and competition, it makes me to realise that i need to improve myself.

The few days training is really tiring, started at 10am and finished at 3am. This is my first time, sleeping for a few mind cant function properly anyway...haha....In this training, i discovered that the way of UKM debaters debate is different than the way we have before. They trained us to be more structure in elaborating points and make a good rebuttal. phew....Also....i like the game that we had every night .....MURDERERS.....Hahaha...

I feel proud with ukm teams, both senior and junior categories. One of the junior teams managed to go till semi final and one of the senior teams managed to reach final which they long desired for. Although they didnt manage to touch the winning trophy, i felt that they have came for a long journey. Compared to the champion, we did less training than others university but yet we can reach till the final. GAMBATE...

I kinda dissapointed because i cant join the coming two tournaments, NHSD and Human Right. All the best i wished to my friends that are joining...I am looking forward to join them all again next year, as well as adjuducate the royal debate....:) i will try to find time to upload some of the debates picture soon. "P

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