Talking about christmas, people might imagine that there should be a beautifully deorated christmas tree with few boxes of christmas present underneath. Perhaps, there should be a plus-size red-clothed guy shouting "hoho...Merry Christmas", denying the fact that the skinny guy shouldn't be the Santa Clause. As well, there should be a dinner during the eve with roasted turkey as an obligation. Oh! Hold on! Where's the snow...not forget the snowman...Perhaps, this is something that people are desire for their christmas....forgeting the true meaning of christmas....I am so sorry if some of my readers are non-christian....hope you wont be offended when reading this article. "P
For me, christmas is the time of rememberance, a time to recall our savior, Jesus, is born...That's why the day is called, "Christ"mas. We can consider us as fortunate enough because we were born in the hospital. Compared to Jesus, he was being born in a stabble, not a hotel, not an inn, even not a hospital. Sigh.... Can you imagine....once you are born, you are firstly being watched by horses or donkeys, besides your parents....What a phathetic.
Oh! Do you believe in miracle when you pray during Christmas? It really happened to me and it really came true. Well...It happened two years ago, I prayed I could join the choir in kuching as I am really interested in it. But, the problem is that I didnt have the transport to go for practice and no one would accompany...."P...afraid to be alone...haha.....Just after few days later, i went to church and I saw someone familiar. He stared at me and vice versa. After the mass, he approached me, asking a couple of questions. From him, I learnt that we have met few years ago in a camp. we didnt really talk a lot previously. He asked me if I would like to join the choir because he also looked for friend to join him. AHA! And he is willing to send me too. Wow, finally, the wish really came true....someone God is sending an angel!
Well...well...I really hope this time my wish will come true again in this coming christmas..."P...cant talk too much now....."P
Monday, December 22, 2008
Starbucks Miri
My personal view towards the Starbucks in Miri is that, it should be known as Starsucks! By the scale of 1 - 5 rate, i think i would rate it below 1. I had been to both of the starbucks or so called "Starsucks", the service here is really bad. I thought I can sitting there, enjoying the cup of coffee, especially caramel macchiato, while surfing the net. However, for my disappointment, both of the starbucks, i.e. the one in parkson as well as the one in the airport, didn't provide good (i dont mean the best) service for me. It really pissed me off as a regular customer.
Let me start of with the starbucks in parkson, miri. I ordered a cup of toffee nut from them, costed me around RM15.50. Then, i took my seat and switched on my notebook to online, while waiting for the drink. I saw two guys standing at the drink counter talking to the waitress. Then, a cup of drink is placed there, so i wondered would it be mine. I approached the waitress whom was still talking. I tried to ask by saying,"excuse me"but i was not been served! Oh! Perhaps, i should go back to sit first while waiting those two guys flirting with the waitress. Without realising, the guy took away the drink and start drinking, thinking the drink was his.
I stared at the guy but he didnt realise me looking at him. Another guy saw me. He asked another waiter what drink the guy took. To his realisation, it was not his, instead the drink belong to me. When both of the men's drink was served. The waiter asked him to choose one of it. Then, the waiter called me telling me that the drink had been swapped. He asked me to take the drink instead. WHAT THE HELL! Exchanging another drink with other guy! I was really mad. When I saw the previous waitress, i told her why she allowed the guy simply take the drink and also why she ignored me just now. She said, "Why didnt you call me just now?" HELL! I told her, "I called you just now and you are ignoring me while you are flirting with those two guys!" She just smiled at me. HELL.......Doesnt she know "shame"? The workers there dont know how to say "I'm sorry."??? What kind of workers is that with such an attitude towards the customer????
It really pissed me off is that when I wanted to go back, they shouted, "Thanks you. Bye!" HELL...Sooing people is louder than taking an order and calling the order. What is this place? It's really sucks! Mumbelling while taking orders and shouting when people is going back. Is this a high class place? The service is a real bad and terrible!
The one in the airport is also a nightmare for me. I thought i can online there since it is in the airport. Most of the place in airport especially Starbucks can online. I tried the one in Kuching before and the connection there is really great compared to the one in Miri. In miri, there is no connection at all. When asked the workers there, they said they didnt know anything. What's a nut! Hate it......
So, never and ever i would go to starbucks in Miri......kinda poor service!
Let me start of with the starbucks in parkson, miri. I ordered a cup of toffee nut from them, costed me around RM15.50. Then, i took my seat and switched on my notebook to online, while waiting for the drink. I saw two guys standing at the drink counter talking to the waitress. Then, a cup of drink is placed there, so i wondered would it be mine. I approached the waitress whom was still talking. I tried to ask by saying,"excuse me"but i was not been served! Oh! Perhaps, i should go back to sit first while waiting those two guys flirting with the waitress. Without realising, the guy took away the drink and start drinking, thinking the drink was his.
I stared at the guy but he didnt realise me looking at him. Another guy saw me. He asked another waiter what drink the guy took. To his realisation, it was not his, instead the drink belong to me. When both of the men's drink was served. The waiter asked him to choose one of it. Then, the waiter called me telling me that the drink had been swapped. He asked me to take the drink instead. WHAT THE HELL! Exchanging another drink with other guy! I was really mad. When I saw the previous waitress, i told her why she allowed the guy simply take the drink and also why she ignored me just now. She said, "Why didnt you call me just now?" HELL! I told her, "I called you just now and you are ignoring me while you are flirting with those two guys!" She just smiled at me. HELL.......Doesnt she know "shame"? The workers there dont know how to say "I'm sorry."??? What kind of workers is that with such an attitude towards the customer????
It really pissed me off is that when I wanted to go back, they shouted, "Thanks you. Bye!" HELL...Sooing people is louder than taking an order and calling the order. What is this place? It's really sucks! Mumbelling while taking orders and shouting when people is going back. Is this a high class place? The service is a real bad and terrible!
The one in the airport is also a nightmare for me. I thought i can online there since it is in the airport. Most of the place in airport especially Starbucks can online. I tried the one in Kuching before and the connection there is really great compared to the one in Miri. In miri, there is no connection at all. When asked the workers there, they said they didnt know anything. What's a nut! Hate it......
So, never and ever i would go to starbucks in Miri......kinda poor service!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Mother's lies
母亲一生的八个谎话 (看完请不要流泪.)儿 时,小男孩家很穷,吃饭时,饭常常不够吃,母亲就把自己碗里的饭分给孩子吃。母亲说,孩子们,快吃吧,我不饿!──母亲撒的第一个谎 男孩长身体的时候,勤劳的母亲常用周日休息时间去县郊农村河沟里捞些鱼来给孩子们补钙。鱼很好吃,鱼汤也很鲜。孩子们吃鱼的时候,母亲就在一旁啃鱼骨头, 用舌头舔鱼骨头上的肉渍。男孩心疼,就把自己碗里的鱼夹到母亲碗里,请母亲吃鱼。母亲不吃,母亲又用筷子把鱼夹回男孩的碗里。母亲说,孩子,快吃吧,我不 爱吃鱼!──母亲撒的第二个谎。上初中了,为了缴够男孩和哥姐的学费,当缝纫工的母亲就去居委会领些火柴盒拿回家来,晚上糊了挣点分分钱补点家用。有个冬 天,男孩半夜醒来,看到母亲还躬着身子在油灯下糊火柴盒。男孩说,母亲,睡了吧,明早您还要上班呢。母亲笑笑,说,孩子,快睡吧,我不困!──母亲撒的第 三个谎 高考那年,母亲请了假天天站在考点门口为参加高考的男孩助阵。时逢盛夏,烈日当头,固执的母亲在烈日下一站就是几个小时。考试结束的铃声响了,母亲迎上去 递过一杯用罐头瓶泡好的浓茶叮嘱孩子喝了,茶亦浓,情更浓。望着母亲干裂的嘴唇和满头的汗珠,男孩将手中的罐头瓶反递过去请母亲喝。母亲说,孩子,快喝 吧,我不渴!──母亲撒的第四个谎。 父亲病逝之后,母亲又当爹又当娘,靠着自己在缝纫社里那点微薄收入含辛茹苦拉扯着几个孩子,供他们念书,日子过得苦不堪言。胡同路口电线杆下修表的李叔叔 知道后,大事小事就找岔过来打个帮手,搬搬煤,挑挑水,送些钱粮来帮补男孩的家里。人非草木,孰能无情。左邻右舍对此看在眼里,记在心里,都劝母亲再嫁, 何必苦了自己。然而母亲多年来却守身如玉,始终不嫁,别人再劝,母亲也断然不听,母亲说,我不爱!──母亲撒的第五个谎 男孩和她的哥姐大学毕业参加工作后,下了岗的母亲就在附近农贸市场摆了个小摊维持生活。身在外地工作的孩子们知道后就常常寄钱回来补贴母亲,母亲坚决不 要,并将钱退了回去。母亲说,我有钱!──母亲撒的第六个谎 男孩留校任教两年,后又考取了美国一所名牌大学的博士生,毕业后留在美国一家科研机构工作,待遇相当丰厚,条件好了,身在异国的男孩想把母亲接来享享清福 却被老人回绝了。母亲说,我不习惯!──母亲撒的第七个谎 晚年,母亲患了胃癌,住进了医院,远在大西洋彼岸的男孩乘飞机赶回来时,术后的母亲已是奄奄一息了。母亲老了,望着被病魔折磨得死去活来的母亲,男孩悲痛 欲绝,潸然泪下。母亲却说,孩子,别哭,我不疼。──母亲撒的第八个谎 不论你多富有,不管你官多大,到什么时候也离不开咱的妈....愿天下父母平安度春秋....... 珍惜母亲的每一个谎言,好好的对待父母,很多东西,失去后才得来的珍贵代价太大.所以一定要好好的爱我们的父母~
What's a meaning of holiday? Is it a time of having fun, relaxing ourseleves after a long days of working or studying? Perhaps, in most of the people's mind, the word 'vacation' will come across. People will opt to go some interesting places for a visit. Meanwhile, for most of the students especially those who study abroad, they will try to return to heir sweet nest, emerging with their warm smoothing bed, sweet well-done meal, and enjoying a 'personal banker' i.e. parents who pays for everything. hehe....
Until know, I am still searching for the true meaning of holiday. What's a real meaning of holiday. Why should there be a holiday? I hate to take a vacation, having fun and relax. I prefer work! YES! Work, get your body moves. A couple weeks ago, my decision of joining the royal debate rather than going home for holiday didnt make me regreted. Although in the beginning, I was really feared that I would be lonely during the debate training with non of my friends there, I managed to squeeze myself through. I really enjoyed with the training, making new friends....they are really marveollous. I felt I wont regret of making my decision joining the debate than spending my holiday at home....
Now, i am at home, not knowing whati should do? My holiday at home is a real boring....sigh....what should i do to relax...."P
Until know, I am still searching for the true meaning of holiday. What's a real meaning of holiday. Why should there be a holiday? I hate to take a vacation, having fun and relax. I prefer work! YES! Work, get your body moves. A couple weeks ago, my decision of joining the royal debate rather than going home for holiday didnt make me regreted. Although in the beginning, I was really feared that I would be lonely during the debate training with non of my friends there, I managed to squeeze myself through. I really enjoyed with the training, making new friends....they are really marveollous. I felt I wont regret of making my decision joining the debate than spending my holiday at home....
Now, i am at home, not knowing whati should do? My holiday at home is a real boring....sigh....what should i do to relax...."P
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Royal Debate
Finally, the royal debate is over and i have no regret for postponding my flight of going back. In this two weeks of training and competition, it makes me to realise that i need to improve myself.
The few days training is really tiring, started at 10am and finished at 3am. This is my first time, sleeping for a few mind cant function properly anyway...haha....In this training, i discovered that the way of UKM debaters debate is different than the way we have before. They trained us to be more structure in elaborating points and make a good rebuttal. phew....Also....i like the game that we had every night .....MURDERERS.....Hahaha...
I feel proud with ukm teams, both senior and junior categories. One of the junior teams managed to go till semi final and one of the senior teams managed to reach final which they long desired for. Although they didnt manage to touch the winning trophy, i felt that they have came for a long journey. Compared to the champion, we did less training than others university but yet we can reach till the final. GAMBATE...
I kinda dissapointed because i cant join the coming two tournaments, NHSD and Human Right. All the best i wished to my friends that are joining...I am looking forward to join them all again next year, as well as adjuducate the royal debate....:) i will try to find time to upload some of the debates picture soon. "P
The few days training is really tiring, started at 10am and finished at 3am. This is my first time, sleeping for a few mind cant function properly anyway...haha....In this training, i discovered that the way of UKM debaters debate is different than the way we have before. They trained us to be more structure in elaborating points and make a good rebuttal. phew....Also....i like the game that we had every night .....MURDERERS.....Hahaha...
I feel proud with ukm teams, both senior and junior categories. One of the junior teams managed to go till semi final and one of the senior teams managed to reach final which they long desired for. Although they didnt manage to touch the winning trophy, i felt that they have came for a long journey. Compared to the champion, we did less training than others university but yet we can reach till the final. GAMBATE...
I kinda dissapointed because i cant join the coming two tournaments, NHSD and Human Right. All the best i wished to my friends that are joining...I am looking forward to join them all again next year, as well as adjuducate the royal debate....:) i will try to find time to upload some of the debates picture soon. "P
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